Friday, October 1, 2010

Computer Games in the classroom

I just watched a video that was featured as part of the K12 online conference 2009, given by Ollie Bray, titled:  "Using computer games as a context for learning and social interaction". Here's the link:

This video presented some very interesting ideas on how to incorporate video and computer games into classroom learning in any grade level. Ollie (the man giving the presentation) gave examples of several activities his organization had come up with and had seen used in schools in the UK.  Ollie focused on the popular video game Guitar Hero and showed the audience how the game can be used to teach art, music, teamwork, creativity, and social skills. "Thinking outside the Xbox", the program in Scotland Ollie and his peers created, has been showing schools how to use something children do after school for hours, in the classroom to encourage learning for the past three years. This is something I would definitely consider working into my lesson plans someday in the future if I decide to be a teacher.

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